Here's the thing - whatever you are desiring in your life and business:

impact, clients coming to you, financial security, recognition, free time and and more flow...


Self-belief is at the centre of it all

Self-belief, and having the right mindset is your super power when it comes to creating what you want


This is when the magic happens: when you are confident and secure in who you are, you know that you're already enough, despite what that inner critic may tell you. From this place, anything is possible, because you deeply know, believe and feel that you are capable and worthy. 

I'm the coach that’s going to help you define your own version of success for your life and creative business, and then help you make it happen.

Here’s the thing, for most people, having success in life AND business feels out of reach. We're told we need to sacrificing something to have it all. That story is simply that, a story. We can write a new one whenever we choose.

I get it though, we took this path because we love what we do, and we want the freedom to do it in a way that works for us. But it can come at a cost, it's hard to shut off, find balance and we feel guilty because we think we should be doing more. 

You see, we don’t get into the work for the money, job stability or easy life. We create because we NEED to, it's part of who are. We coach because we have a calling to SERVE. 

Many of us feel:

  • Our work’s not good enough
  • We stress about where the next job’s coming from
  • We find it overwhelming wearing all the hats required to run a successful business
  • Like we're falling behind and reaching crisis point

I get it, I've been there, and I'm here to tell you it doesn't have to be that way. 


So, who am I and how did I get here?


After graduating with a business degree I joined a large consultancy firm in London. I learned a lot but it wasn’t for me, I needed more freedom, excitement and adventure.  

A part of me was going, "Oi Dan, over here! You’ve gotta share this with the world, get out and do your thing!"

So, I got my guitar, packed my bags, said goodbye to financial security, a long term relationship and my home and off I went. (note, I don't recommend doing all 3 at once!)

What ensued was a huge moment of self discovery, deep inner work and many hours reflecting, journalling and going deep., It wasn't always pretty, and it was hard work, but it was necessary. It needed to be done. 

Eventually I made Ibiza my home where I worked as a professional musician for 4 years and brought the internationally renowned Sofar Sounds to the island. 

I met many creative people, healers, and therapists along the way that shared a similar characteristic, they were great at their work but bad at the business side. They didn’t have systems in place so constantly felt overwhelmed. 

They found self promotion daunting and icky, had no consistent income, and they were taking low paying work just to get by when they were worth way more. 

I recognised my unique position to help these people, I had the business acumen from my studies, training, consultancy days and running several successful creative businesses, I just needed the methodology and skillset.

 So, I retrained as a Transformational Coach with Mindful Talent in the UK and now here I am. 


My entire business hinges on you getting yours working in a way that’s profitable, sustainable and fun



1. By showing you how to build a REAL business, one that actually makes a profit so that you can graduate from amateur to pro


2. By challenging you on the mindset patterns that are holding you back from creating the life and business of your dreams


3. By hooking you up with tried and tested strategies that can take out the guesswork, throw overwhelm out the window and get to work.